The Corporation’s board of directors views effective corporate governance as an essential element for the ongoing well-being of the Corporation and its shareholders. With that in mind, the board of directors reviews the Corporation’s corporate governance practices on an ongoing basis to ensure that they provide for effective stewardship of the Corporation.
Corporate Governance Policies
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The Board of Directors encourages and promotes a culture of ethical business conduct by expecting each other, all officers and management to act in a manner that exemplifies ethical business conduct. This expectation sets the tone for all employees of the Corporation. As such, the Board has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
Whistle Blowing Procedures
Prairie Provident is committed to the highest standards of openness, honesty and accountability. As a matter of sound corporate governance, Prairie Provident has developed Whistle Blowing Procedures that are designed to provide a readily understood, prompt and effective means of addressing any complaints or concerns regarding the Corporation’s accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters.
Health, Safety and Environment
Prairie Provident has established environmental policies and procedures for all its operations, which are communicated to all employees and personnel working on our sites.
Constating Documents and Bylaws
Articles of Incorporation
By-Law No. 1
By-Law No. 2
By-Law No. 3